Get Started In
3 Easy Steps

Schedule a meeting to sit down with us and discover what your ideal retirement looks like.
Using Your Financial Compass, we’ll examine your current financial situation and determine your retirement needs.
Receive a custom strategy to help you reach your unique retirement goals.
Welcome To

Your Most Trusted Advisor
Breneman & Company provides clients the convenience and effectiveness of combining wealth management, tax, accounting, and business consulting services under one roof with a coordinated team of trusted, experienced advisors ready to work alongside you to help you achieve your goals. Our passion is to earn the right to be called – “Your Most Trusted Advisor”.
World-Class Solutions
Through unmatched service and depth of expertise, Breneman & Company helps growing companies and individuals go beyond their numbers by applying a disciplined analysis of the current situation. This allows us to provide world-class solutions to reach our clients’ goals. Through our alliances we are able to offer you the best of both worlds: the knowledge and care of a local firm coupled with the vast resources and experience of a worldwide network.

Roadmap Process
Wealth Management

Wealth managers conduct financial planning, investment management, and assist in preserving and generating wealth.
Tax Services

Today’s tax laws are so complicated that unless your financial affairs are extremely simple, you and your business will benefit from the expertise of a tax professional.
Financial & Insurance Services

A leading independent wealth and risk management company. We’ll challenge you to build a financial plan that can help you realize your vision.
Business Consulting Services

Companies today face countless complex business challenges. To help navigate through these challenges, Breneman & Company business consultants provide a broad range of services in the areas of financial management, risk management, strategic planning, technology, operations, and human resources.
Accounting Services

Accounting is a fundamental part of your business. Our accounting services are devoted to helping you leverage your accounting and bookkeeping needs so that you can focus on your business.
Ready To Take
For more information about any of our products and services, schedule a meeting today.
Or give us a call at (314) 469-7007
To help you better understand your financial needs or assess your current investment and retirement strategies, we post a Weekly Newsletter, IRA Blog, Weekly Market Commentary and a Monthly Market Review. We hope you find these retirement and financial blogs helpful. Click Here if you would like to schedule a complimentary review of your current financial situation.
Our Focus
» Accounting Services
» Business Consulting Services
» Financial and Insurance Services
» Tax Services
» Wealth Management
World Class Solutions
» Through unmatched service and depth of expertise, Breneman & Company helps growing companies and individuals go beyond their numbers by applying a disciplined analysis of the current situation. This allows us to provide world-class solutions to reach our clients’ goals.
Let's Meet
» It is important to feel you have control over your future. At Breneman & Company, we offer our experience and knowledge to help you design your own strategy for financial independence.